IELTSライティングではTask 1とTask 2に分かれており、合計60分で両方を完成させなければなりません。時間配分が結構厳しい(特にベーパー版)ので、時間を計りながら繰り返し練習しましょう。IELTS公式サイトで解説されているように、時間配分はそれぞれ20分、40分かけるイメージで取り組みましょう。
IELTSライティング Task 1
Task 1に関しては図、グラフ、工程、チャート、地図といった図式化された内容を150語以上で説明しなければいけません。
IELTSライティング Task 2
Task 2に関しては、あるトピックに関して250語以上で議論しなければなりません。主に、あるトピックに関してどの程度賛成か反対か、利点と欠点は何か、解決策は何か、などについて、自分の知識や経験を踏まえた理由を用いながら根拠を持って論じることが求められます。
Task 1とTask 2の採点の配分は1:2で、Task 2のスコアの方が重要と言われています。IELTS公式サイトでは、課題の達成度、内容の一貫性、語彙力、文法・構文の複雑さと正確さの4項目で評価されると書かれています。
課題の達成度(Task Achievement)では、問題文の要素を全て論じられているか、論点・立場を明確にしているか、実際の事例や体験を用いた説明を補足して主張に根拠を持たせているか
内容の一貫性(Coherence and cohesion)では、分かりやすく論理を展開できているか(アカディックライティングの構成に沿っているか)、それぞれの段落ごとに中心となるアイデアを論じているか
語彙力(Lexical Resource)では、スペルや単語の状態変化の正確性(接頭辞など)、多様なイディオムやフレーズ、単語を正確かつ自然な用法で使っているか、それらを自分の論理に適した場所で柔軟に使えているか
文法・構文の複雑さと正確さ(Grammatical Range & Accuracy)では、さまざまな構文が柔軟かつ正確に使われているか、文法や句読点の正確さ
IELTSライティング Task 1の例
運営元British CouncilのWebサイトにある例題を解いてみたので、それを元に解説しようと思います。
This graph shows the proportion of four different materials that were recycled from 1982 to 2010 in a particular country.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, making comparisons where relevant.
This graph compares the trend in recycling rate for four different materials from 1982 to 2010 in a specific country.
Overall, the recycling rate for all four materials increased to a varying extent within the timeframe of this graph. There is an apparent upward trend except for paper and cardboard.
Particularly, the increase in the recycling of aluminium cans is significant. Starting at 5% in 1986, it has soared up to 45% in 2010. Glass containers has climbed to 60% in 2010 from 50% in 1982, despite hitting bottom at 40% in 1990. The rate for Plastics slightly but steadily increased from 4% in 1990 to 9% in 2010. Meanwhile, paper and cardboard has a unique trend amongst the four materials. After it once jumped to 80% in 1994, the gradual decline continued until 2010 when it hit 70%. Since 1994, a decline cannot be found with any material but paper and cardboard.
(155 Words)
Task 1で重要なのは、ただ客観的に図を説明していくことで、主観を入れないということです。数値に関しても明らかな場合はいいですが、曖昧な場合は”About”や“Approximately”を使ってうまく説明しましょう。
IELTSライティング Task 2 の例その1
Task 2の例題もBritish Councilからです。Task 2は設問をしっかりと読んだ上で自分の意見や主張を根拠を持って論述しましょう。問題文を読んで、聞かれていることに過不足なく答えるために、ブレインストーミングして論点、そしてそれに説得力を持たすための根拠を考えましょう。根拠はなるべく個人的な例を避けて、事実やデータを用いるようにした方が客観性が増します。そしてそれを下に解説する例のような文章の構成に落とし込んでから、書き始めましょう。3~5分くらいをブレインストーミングにかけるイメージです。
Many people go through life doing work that they hate or have no talent for. Why does this happen? What are the consequences of this situation?
There are a number of reasons why many people end up with an undesirable career. One of them is because they need to barter happiness and joy as a worker for financial stability. At the macro level, the situation where people are unhappy with their job will have a negative effect on productivity and innovation of the industries, and people’s well-being.
Task 2の第1段落では設問をパラフレーズしたり、設問に関する一般論を述べた上で、自分の意見の骨組みとなる要素を簡潔に述べましょう。
Financial circumstances draw people to and make them stick to a job that they hate. For example, there are many people who have a business idea, but cannot afford to lose their job and commit to their own business. Many young teenagers have a dream of building a stable income by doing what they are passionate for such as music, art, and writing. However, very few succeed, and the rest are usually forced to change their career later on. They need to give up on them for the sake of job security and financial stabilities.
In such situation, challenges such as starting a business are hindered and happiness of the members of the society may decline. The more unmotivated workers there are, the less productive the whole society can be. Inversely, there are universal basic income pilot schemes in a number of countries which reportedly encouraged entrepreneurship and assisted some workers to quit their so-called ‘bullshit job’.
To conclude, some workers with an undesirable job are the product of the lack of social and financial security, and considering the opposite of the example of UBI, it is possible to infer that the societal situation negatively affects the economy.
(261 words)
IELTSライティング Task 2の例その2
The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2000 there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is a global phenomenon that streets have been flooded with cars, since the arrival of motorisation. While I agree with encouraging alternative modes of transport, I cannot agree with the idea of introducing international laws. I will explore my opinion further in this essay.
Reduction in car use and encouragement of other modes of transport, especially bicycles, are beneficial in many ways. As a number of cities across the globe are trying to get rid of cars from the streets, it is almost a global consensus that cars cause various problems such as pollution, traffic jams, accidents, and the decline of city centres. Most remarkably, Amsterdam achieved a significant improvement of the situation which was once described as ‘traffic war’ during 1970s. The use of bicycles was a key; it brought back silence and traffic safety to the Dutch roads and it also improved health conditions of the citizens.
However, I would argue that introducing international laws to regulate car ownership is inappropriate, or to simply put, impossible and thus, there is no use in doing it. The reason is that the traffic conditions vary country to country, therefore, it is impossible to set the global standards. Wide-stretching and car-dependent countries will have a much harder time to improve. The US, for example, will scrap it as they did with Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.
ここでも接続詞を効果的に用いながら、次の論点に切り替えていきましょう。よくFirstly, Secondly…を使って展開する例が散見されますが、必ずしも使わなくても問題ありません。I would argue that…などを使って、自分の意見と事実を分けながら展開していきましょう。また、ThereforeやThusなどを使い文と文を繋ぐことで、単文を避けながら論じていきましょう。
In conclusion, I strongly believe in the effectiveness of the car-reduction policy on a local level, but not on a global scale due to the aforementioned reasons.
(253 words)
ベストティーチャー(Best Teacher)はお薦めです。
- 現状の把握(オンラインカウンセリング、オンライン英作文添削、オンラインテスト)
- カリキュラム作成
- 1対1の授業+宿題対応
- 定期的な現状の把握(オンラインカウンセリング、オンライン英作文添削、オンラインテスト)